SQL> drop tablespace t1 including contents and datafiles;drop tablespace t1 including contents and datafiles
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-02429: cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique/primary key
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
ORA-39908: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_ACC_SEL_PK in tablespace T1 enforces primary constraintsof table TOPSTAR.BMS_ACC_SEL_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_ACC_SEL_DEF_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_ACC_SEL_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39908: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_PK in tablespace T1 enforces primary constraintsof table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_1_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_2_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_3_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_4_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_GOODSID_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_INPUTDATE_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_SORTNO_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39907: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF_SOURCEID_IDX in tablespace T1 points to table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_DEF in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39908: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_NO_PK in tablespace T1 enforces primary constraintsof table TOPSTAR.BMS_BATCH_NO in tablespace USERS.
ORA-39908: Index TOPSTAR.BMS_BUSICLASSET_DEF_PK in tablespace T1 enforces primary constraintsof table TOPSTAR.BMS_BUSICLASSSET_DEF in tablespace USE
有部分表和index 不在同一个表空间,无法只删除t1表空间(因为表在users中,而index在t1中),删除掉users表空间中的table,然后再删除表空间即可
SQL> drop tablespace t1 including contents and datafiles;
Tablespace dropped.