In a few cases, it is desirable to dump thecontents of an Oracle data block. These blocks may comprise a table, an index,or even the control file. While we can query the contents of a table, we maywant to see what is happening to a particular block of that table. We mightwant to see not only the data in the block that any query can return, but alsosee what’s going on behind the scenes in the block. This paper will show youhow to dump the contents of a block in a table, index and control file. Thispaper will also show you how to interpret some of the results of these dumps.
Why Dump Blocks?
So why are we doing this? For the mostpart, it is just idle curiosity. DBAs are inquisitive folks by nature. OracleCorp. has released just enough information on database internals to tantalizeus without giving away all the secrets. And we’d like to see what’s going onbehind the scenes. So for most cases, we are dumping blocks just for fun. Inother cases, we are dumping blocks to actually find out some meaningfulinformation. But in the end, it is up to you.
Trace File Information
All of the examples in this paper willgenerate trace files. Those trace files will be present in USER_DUMP_DESTfor you to view. To determine the trace file generated, use a query similar tothe following:
ORA9I SQL> select pa.value || '/' ||i.instance_name || '_ora_'
2 || pr.spid || '.trc' as trace_file
3 from v$session s, v$process pr, v$parameterpa, v$instance i
4 where s.username = user and s.paddr = pr.addr
5* andpa.name='user_dump_dest';
This query shows the full path and filenameof the generated trace file for my session. This is the text file we look in tosee the results of our dump.
All trace files contain the same basicinformation at the beginning of the file.
Oracle9i EnterpriseEdition Release - Production
With the Partitioning option
JServer Release Production
ORACLE_HOME = /edcsns14/pkg/oracle/9.0.1
System name: SunOS
Node name: edcsns14
Release: 5.7
Version: Generic_106541-11
Machine: sun4u
Instance name: ora9i
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 11
Unix process pid: 653, image: oracle@edcsns14(TNS V1-V3)
*** 2002-03-27 17:06:06.573
*** SESSION ID 12.4240) 2002-03-27 17:06:06.535
Output similar to above is shown in eachtrace file. This output shows the database version, some platform specificinformation such as host name and OS level, the database instance name, theprocesses identifiers (Oracle and Unix) for the session that generated thetrace file, and the date and time the file was generated. We’ll skip thisintroductory information in examining our trace files.
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